- Gold findings in the gossans may provide a strong indication of the possible presence of copper-bearing sulfide minerals at shallow depth, underneath the weathering profile
- 2,060 soil samples were collected by Aguia along the Big Ranch Target revealing a copper anomaly exceeding 6 km flanking the northern border of the Caçapava Granite
- Zinc, Lead and Gold anomalies have also been identified along the Target
- Trenching program underway to investigate the copper and gold in-soils anomalies – six trenches completed so far with assays pending
- Ground geophysical survey initiated to follow-up soil geochemical anomalies using induced polarization (IP) techniques. Drilling likely to commence in October
- Aguia very well prepared for upcoming public hearings as part of the permitting process of its flagship Três Estradas phosphate project
Toronto, Canada, August 1, 2018 – Aguia Resources Limited (ASX: AGR, TSXV: AGRL) (“Aguia” or “Company”) is pleased to report that further sampling along the Big Ranch target has returned 13.14 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) in a gossan sample, one of 17 gossan samples reported below (Table 1). As announced previously, the Company has discovered a new zone of copper mineralisation on ground staked within the Rio Grande Copper Belt, as a result of ongoing regional exploration activities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The western zone of Big Ranch became an area of focus earlier this year when a gossan sample returned 7.74 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) as reported in April.