- Drilling along the newly discovered southeast zone with a strike-length of at least 700 metres continues to exhibit mineralisation with thicknesses and grades analogous to the main body of the Três Estrada deposit:
- Hole TED-17-128 returned 78.25 meters grading 4.12% P2O5
- Drilling of the strike extension to date has not cut off the mineralization. The strike length of the extension remains open past 700 metres to the northeast and the company is currently performing shallow reverse circulation holes to test this extension for oxidized mineralization
- Infill drill program continues to return excellent results that confirm the homogeneous nature of mineralisation and continuity laterally and at depth:
- Hole TED-17-129 returned 9.00 meters grading 3.65% P2O5
- 13,775 meters of infill drilling has been completed and the program is anticipated to be wrapped up next week
- New Reserve Report to be published incorporating results from new mineralised zones – results likely to have a positive impact on Três Estradas mine model
- AGR to provide further updates on exploration, project development and corporate initiatives shortly