- Utah based Millcreek Mining Group has been commissioned to lead optimisation studies for inclusion in the BFS
- Optimisations will enhance the already strong economics at Três Estradas – pre-tax IRR of 25%, NPV5 of US $273 million and payback in 3.2 years
- Optimisation work will include improved assessment of logistics options, and resource, metallurgy, infrastructure and by-product scenarios
- Updated PEA expected to be released Q2 2016
- Maiden Joca Tavares JORC resource and EIA submission also on track for Q2 2016
- AGR’s balance sheet is strong – well funded for BFS commencementLoading...
Aguia Resources Limited (ASX:AGR) (“Aguia” or “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has commissioned Millcreek Mining Group to undertake an optimisation study of the previously announced Preliminary Economic Assessment at Três Estradas.