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ASX Announcements

Big Ranch Copper Exploration and Três Estradas Phosphate Update

By September 11, 2018November 4th, 2020No Comments


  • Trenching program to investigate the copper- and gold-in-soils anomalies at the Big Ranch Target underway – to date 11 trenches open and 645 channel samples collected
  • Recent rock results include 1.33 gpt gold along the IP chargeability trend and 1.22% copper
  • TR-01 results include 2 metres with an average grade of 0.32% copper and 16 metres with an average grade of 0.20% copper
  • 91.8 line-km of 96 line-km of Induced Polarization (IP) geophysics using gradient array has been completed so far – survey mapped a very prominent chargeability anomaly
  • 17.6 line-km of IP using the Dipole-Dipole array planned to follow-up on the chargeability and geochemical anomalies
  • The ground geophysical programs also include 96 line-km of radiometric and magnetic surveys to cover the entire Big Ranch Target
  • Big Ranch drilling commences next month
  • Preparations for the upcoming public hearings as part of the permitting process of its flagship Três Estradas phosphate project
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